Bleu cafe Abuja | restaurant review


Hello guys! Happy new year!!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. mine was rather eventful, I was up and down the Buj and I’m about to face that January 47th music 😂. So back in December, I visited Bleu Cafe Abuja with my sister. It’s one of those places that has been on the […]

Mai Shayi Coffee Roasters | Not your Average Dining Experience

mai shayi coffee

Hello Hello, beautiful people! Mai shayi Coffee Roasters is a cafe restaurant that I’ve had a huge crush on for quite some time now, and it eventually made it to the top of my list in November. I visited the cafe with Rukky (@rukkyambursa) on a hot and sunny day, I might add. You know […]

RÓDO: New Age Africa | Restaurant Review

striking entrance at Rodo abuja

Hello, foodies! I come bearing news of a brand new restaurant in the big BUJ: Ródo! whose name literally translates to “pepper”!  My friends and I were so excited to visit because the concept of Ródo Abuja is built around delivering a contemporary African culinary experience. They want to give us modern-day African cuisine. But […]