Dining at Basilico Restaurant Abuja

basilico abuja

My friend and I embarked on a culinary adventure to Basilico Restaurant in Abuja, located at M.I. Ahmad Plaza, Ademola Adetokunbo Crescent, Wuse 2. A place that’s been calling my name for ages. Armed with high hopes and empty stomachs, we dove headfirst with menus in hand. Here’s the scoop on our dining experience!

Basilico Restaurant Abuja identifies as a luxury restaurant, and i think they hit the nail on the head. The elegant decor, attentive service, and touch of exclusivity with items like Fiji Water truly enhance the luxury feel. However, the service fell short with the wait time and detracted from the whole experience. Read through to see how the rest of our dining adventure unfolded!

basilico restaurant abuja


The restaurant leverages its name “Basilico” and the historical connotations of basil to position itself as a regal dining experience. The menu highlights traditional European dishes with some local twists, aiming to appeal to both local and international palates. The menu at Basilico restaurant Abuja aims to evoke a sense of sophistication and culinary heritage with it’s descriptions.

But the question is, “Are average Nigerians experimental enough to want to give the dishes on the menu a try or will they go for the most basic and familiar items?”

The prices are high, which is expected for a restaurant that markets itself as luxurious. The descriptions and ingredient lists imply the use of premium, possibly imported, items and detailed preparation methods. Although i think enhancing the focus on local ingredients and unique offerings could further solidify its luxury status, you can view their current menu here.


Chicken Crostini: A Sweet Surprise

The Chicken Crostini was our first course, and it exceeded my expectations! This dish was an absolute charmer. The chicken was juicy and had this subtle sweetness that really hit the spot. My taste buds were doing  a happy dance. The bread was toasted perfectly—crunchy on the outside but still soft enough to bite into without a struggle.

But here’s the kicker: it played hard to get with the protein. I mean, I could taste the chicken, but it felt like it was shyly peeking from behind the curtain. Come on, don’t be shy, we want more of you on the stage! The chicken flavor was there, but it felt like it was playing hide and seek. A little more meat would have made it perfect. i enjoyed it nonetheless.

It is currently priced at #9000

Alfredo Pasta: The Seasoning Saga

Next, we swirled our forks into the Alfredo Pasta. I was in creamy heaven! The pasta was al dente, and the sauce was rich and indulgent. But here’s the twist: My dining buddy wasn’t feeling it. She criticized the dish, saying it lacked seasoning and needed more excitement. I could see her point—a pinch of pepper here, a dash of salt there, and it would be next-level. I still enjoyed it, and yep, it came with a hefty price tag. Worth it? Depends on your seasoning tolerance and your wallet of course!

It is currently priced at #21000

Pulled Lamb Lasagna: A Salty Disappointment

Minced lamb lasagna at basilico restaurant
minced lamb lasagna

Then came the Pulled Lamb Lasagna. Or should I say minced lamb? Yep, the “pulled” lamb turned out to be finely chopped bits. Oh boy, this one was a letdown. First off, they minced the lamb instead of pulling it, which felt like false advertising. This dish was a salt mine, it was overwhelmingly salty and lacked the tomato sauce that usually brings lasagna together. There was too much fat and not enough bechamel sauce to balance things out, and the absence of tomato made it feel incomplete. This lasagna had potential, but it just didn’t deliver. The lasagna felt like it was missing its Italian heart. Plus, it was swimming in fat, and the bechamel sauce was a ghost. I added black pepper in a desperate attempt to save it, but alas, the salt won. This dish had potential but missed the mark like a wayward arrow.

It is currently priced at #18000

Ambiance and Afterthoughts

Basilico Restaurant Abuja offers a lovely experience, even though some dishes didn’t quite hit the mark. The shapes, lines, lighting, and decor feel elevated and somewhat luxurious. What i found most interesting was the fact that the 2 sections of the restaurant felt like they were in 2 different places, demarcated by a stunning hallway.

The front section was minimalistic and elegant, with a sleek bar that adds a touch of sophistication, but has a more relaxed atmosphere. While the back area, exudes a more upscale ambiance with its darker interior and serious atmosphere. This section contrasts with the front of the house, offering an even more luxurious feel. The dim lighting and sophisticated decor create an intimate and refined setting, perfect for a high-end dining experience.

In general, Basilico’s ambiance was a sweet escape. The atmosphere is cozy, charming, and perfect for a romantic dates or a chill night out. But let’s be real—the menu felt a bit like a splurge without the wow factor to back it up.

Overall, Basilico restaurant Abuja has its moments, but there are definitely areas that need improvement. If they can tweak a few recipes and offer better value for money, it could become a favourite spot. For now, I’d say it’s worth a visit if you’re curious and you want a taste of luxury, but keep your expectations in check.

Final Verdict

So, should you give Basilico restaurant a shot? Sure, if you’re in the mood for a mixed-bag experience with a side of ambiance. Just keep those expectations in check and your wallet ready for a workout. And hey, if you do visit, let me know your thoughts—maybe you’ll have a different experience than i did.

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Stay hungry and adventurous, my friends!

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